It Was Just a Dream
The words made me feel alive dreaming like a young school girl. Now it just hurts. Found: 2-tickets to Harry Potter.
On another subject, here is a totally cheesy storyboard that I made from Roan and my 1/2 an hour before bedtime last night.
I am working four, 10-hour days this week so that I can have Friday off legitimately for our vacation to Denver. When I get home, I have one good hour to spend with Roan so we try to fit as much in as possible. Unfortunately, then we don't always have time for a real bath.
I wanted to order this for our trip, since I don't want to fuss with a stroller in the airport and since Roan and I are going to be traveling without Choua. I thought it was an adorable and great idea. It's made for children between 3-6 years old and it's a real hard case suitcase, but it's made so that your child can ride it and you can pull it if they get tired walking around the airport and you don't/can't pick them up. I don't think it'll get here in time though. I guess for our next trip.
I've got to add a quick and cute story about Roan. We were out one day; the location escapes me now, but we were heading back to the car and I guess he wasn't ready to go home yet. Choua says to him, "You want a time out?" and he says, "Yes!" in his fake, cute voice. Anything, but home, right? He is so his Daddy's son. That sounds just like Choua.