speedlight sessions
After my session on Saturday and now that there is much less natural light to rely on, I realized that I need a lot more practice with a speedlight. No...I didn't buy one, but Christine lets me borrow hers sometimes (Thank God!). I think I figured it out and really, it can be your friend!
My unwilling subject again. I had to bribe him with a DVD, his blanket, and his sword. I tried some different angles.
He loves this blanket. The funny thing is that we have two of them and he knows it, but he doesn't care. He also has two white crocheted ones that he'll use as "back-ups", but the green and blue ones are his favorite(s).
He's really been into Sesame Street again, which I prefer. He's getting all of the letters and songs now. He sings and acts out the songs. It's surprising to me that he is remembering the sequence of the segments.
The most amazing thing I learned tonight is that I need to up my ISO (not really what you want to do with a Nikon camera, but mine was set at 400 for these) and lower my SS (which was at like 1/50). I tried several different variations, but the best exposure came from this combination. I probably could have upped my ISO more, but I decided to play it safe.
Right after this shot, he asked to stop. He was done.
Roan in his big boy bed. I don't know if I should be so proud to say this, but Choua and I picked up the frame of his bed on the street in Mt. Prospect after the weekend city-wide garage sale. My memory is not so good, but I remember it because I gave birth to Roan the next morning.
It was brown wood and so I bought some white spray paint and cleaned it up and then started spraying. I think it turned out great!
We've still got tons of pillows lining the bed and a bed rail on so that he doesn't fall out. He's too much like Choua, when it comes to sleeping. Roan has decided, to my delight, that he wants to use a blanket (and not for sucking on) so I pulled out the Hmong flea market blanket from his Grandparents and he loves it! When I check on him before I go to bed, it's usually cast to the side though.
i really like the colors in this session. max was a big blankie baby and still is :-).
Kaosong, keeping your ISO at 400 is just fine. I did a test on flash a while back, as you know I am not a huge fan of it...I've used my sb600 less than 5x. But I thought it would be important to just know how to use it. I found that keeping my ss around 40/30, ISO 400, and aperture to f4 - I can get pretty good shots.
I just *LOVE* the colors in these pics! You really are soo talented! I wish I cuold take pics like that!
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