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Thank you for visting my blog. When I started this blog, it was just the vehicle for which I had hoped to share photos of our life in Chicagoland with our loved ones, but it has turned into so much more for me. Life is ever evolving in our household and time no longer stands still. Every moment is precious and worthy of being captured and treasured. In addition, through my love of the camera, I have had the opportunity to meet and also capture moments in others' lives. It is my hope, with this blog, that when my memory fails me, the words and photos on this blog will remind of where we were. History...Through My Glass...

Monday, November 26, 2007

thanksgiving reflections


I meant to post while I was on my "vacation" but I didn't have time to load CS2 onto a laptop so I wouldn't have been able to post pictures. I also meant to post about all of the things that I am grateful for, but I royally messed up timing on that one as well. I just can't seem to keep it together these days. How will I survive the holidays?

Roan and I spent the entire week with family. I didn't pick up my camera until mid-week when Choua arrived and joined us. A quick summary of events for anyone who cares. For those that don't, skip to the pictures. :)

SUMMARY: Visited Aunt A and family and also got my Grandma Vang thrown in, celebrated Gabe's "Big" 2nd birthday and ate a lot, visited Roan's Grandparents and uncles, chatted with one my favorite photographers about photography, Daddy arrived, first Thanksgiving Turkey came on Wednesday with Yang Grandparents, Turkey day...too much eating...again! Tais Ne arrives from Denver and then, finally, Ethan arrives (Roan had been asking for Ethan since we left on Friday night), more eating, chatting, laughing until we left for "home" Sunday afternoon. All in all, it was wonderful! In the end, I only gained one pound...surprised!

Above: The first Thanksgiving "Dinner".

Above: Why is this kid always eating Cheetos?
Above: Ayden showing Roan her "Horsie".
Above (L to R): Ayden, Roan, and Taylor.

Above: Adyen shared her "Ipod" with Roan. I found them sitting on the kitchen floor sharing. How lovely?
Above: Jalena, spinning for photos.
Above: Acelan and Roan.
Above: Yang Clan...guys only...except Jalena.

Above: Jennica smiling as usual.

Above: Gabe at the Children's Museum. It was supposed to be his 2 year photos, but he was too sad to have to spend time alone with Nyaaj Ong.
Above: Tais Ne and the 2 year olds.
Above: My sister, Kaohly, and her daughter, Taylor.
Above: The 2 year olds with their lovies.
Above: Shoot, what happened to the borders? Tais Ne again and Ethan and Aleah. Aleah was fake crying for the camera.
Above: More of Tais Ne and Taylor.
Above: Aleah--we thought it would be cute to give her some hair. It was too cute!
Finally...Tais Ne and Gabe (being adorable).


pinkpeony said...

uhmm...sis, I LOVE the photos! But can you please remove the photo of me and phil??? ewww. K, thanks again! can you send me all the photos from that weekend? I want to print them out. thanks!

Kaosong said...

pinkpeony--done. I meant to put one of Phil only, but I seem to have missed it.

Anonymous said...

lovely. glad you got a chance to get photos of everyone. i owe you templates. :) also, as always...nice to see you again.