About Me

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Thank you for visting my blog. When I started this blog, it was just the vehicle for which I had hoped to share photos of our life in Chicagoland with our loved ones, but it has turned into so much more for me. Life is ever evolving in our household and time no longer stands still. Every moment is precious and worthy of being captured and treasured. In addition, through my love of the camera, I have had the opportunity to meet and also capture moments in others' lives. It is my hope, with this blog, that when my memory fails me, the words and photos on this blog will remind of where we were. History...Through My Glass...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Michigan Dunes Beach

We spent Sunday at the Michigan Warren Dunes and Beach. It was a great end to the summer for us. The minute I put Roan on the ground, he started trying to take his shirt off. To him, as long as his shirt is off, he can go swimming, regardless of his bottoms.

We tried to eat our yummy gourmet sandwiches that Choua and I made, but Roan kept creeping more and more towards the water. We try our best to teach him patience, but sometimes we fail.

Here are some beach pictures. All of these were just slightly adjusted in Lightroom. I just added a little bit of vibrance and then added the border, watermarked, and re-sized for the web. They are not the best quality pictures; simply snapshots. I wasn't too worried about my settings.

Someone had built a very nice castle (wish I would have gotten a before pic) here, but Roan knocked it down. He still gets a kick out of destroying things. We were unable to rebuild it.

Then we headed for The Dune! I don't think I did a good job of capturing just how intimidating it was to a Dad, a little boy, and a Mom with her camera and an old bag of bread. Don't ask, you'll know why later.

I was so proud of Roan. He attacked the dune with great fervor. He climbed...
...and climbed as much as his little body and lungs could take him.

Then he had to rest. He kept saying, "Hlease, hlease...helme", which is "Please, please...help me" in his language.

So Choua gave him some help.

One final rest before we got to the top.

Then it was back down to feed the seagulls as there were none to speak of at the top of the dune. I carried that bag of bread all the way up and back down that thing. Well, at least I didn't have to carry Roan too.

As usual, he found a stick and started to chase the birds.

Sunset...perfect ending!


Unknown said...

wow! your photos look great for just being snapped randomly. i wish i could take pictures that well.

Anonymous said...

Roan with his stick...aha. Typical hmong boy, eh? ;) You captured some sweet moments. And beautiful spot!

Anonymous said...

that last one is priceless :-). i do get baby cravings off and on. I was on a no more baby streak for about 5 years after i had max, but have been getting them frequently for the last few years. ideally, i would like to have 1 more.

The Hers said...

Roan photographs so well. He looks so adorable. I love him! The last picture is amazing.

Marketing Mama said...

I also love that last picture. It's soooo beautiful. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the last pic!