About Me

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Thank you for visting my blog. When I started this blog, it was just the vehicle for which I had hoped to share photos of our life in Chicagoland with our loved ones, but it has turned into so much more for me. Life is ever evolving in our household and time no longer stands still. Every moment is precious and worthy of being captured and treasured. In addition, through my love of the camera, I have had the opportunity to meet and also capture moments in others' lives. It is my hope, with this blog, that when my memory fails me, the words and photos on this blog will remind of where we were. History...Through My Glass...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

four years

...two houses, two towns, and one child later. I think we're finally starting to get it right. Happy Anniversary, Choua. I think the fifth year is the charm. Can't wait to keep sharing and living life with you.


Anonymous said...

wow--that's a lot of moving :-). happy annivsary to you & the hub.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary. :)

kristine said...

Happy anniversary!

Christine said...

Happy anniversary!

Sajeel & Humaira Hussain said...

Happy Anniversary, Kaosong & Choua!

I was just telling someone about your wedding last week - how most of the ceremony was in Hmong, but it was so fun to experience it, especially seeing your whole family. The church was gorgeous! I totally enjoyed that weekend!