About Me

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Thank you for visting my blog. When I started this blog, it was just the vehicle for which I had hoped to share photos of our life in Chicagoland with our loved ones, but it has turned into so much more for me. Life is ever evolving in our household and time no longer stands still. Every moment is precious and worthy of being captured and treasured. In addition, through my love of the camera, I have had the opportunity to meet and also capture moments in others' lives. It is my hope, with this blog, that when my memory fails me, the words and photos on this blog will remind of where we were. History...Through My Glass...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

indian summer goofiness

Choua is in MN for the weekend so Roro and I spent the morning outdoors, doing yardwork and getting dirty...does it ever end? I realized that we haven't done a photoshoot in awhile. Nevermind that I have so much other stuff to do, but I had to do something to get out of my bitter mood so I chose the photoshoot.

I am always amazed that our child also inherited our mannerisms. This is Roro's goofy laugh. It's the same face that Choua has when he laughs. I've also seen it on Grandpa Y also.

Roro also has been doing this thing when I tell his sitter about cute and funny things he's done at home to see if he does the same things at school. He'll put his little hands over my mouth and say, "No talking". Hmmm...sounds a lot like his Daddy. Too bad, Mommy can't keep a secret.

I've been waiting to get this shot (below) for a couple of years now. You don't know how hard it is to get a shaky little flower in focus when your subject is only willing to do it for 2 seconds. He always picks flowers for me. It's cute.

I love his innocent look. It's so sweet!

He loves his popsicles. Oddly, popsicle is also his word for "octopus".

This is how I always want to remember Roro...happy, goofy, loving, and sweet. His teachers made a house visit on Friday and told me that he is social and seems so happy all of the time. It makes me unbelievably happy and proud.


kristine said...

i love his little tattoos!!

Anonymous said...

i noticed that r. has tattoos in a lot of his pix. that's so cute. does he ask for them? :)