About Me

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Thank you for visting my blog. When I started this blog, it was just the vehicle for which I had hoped to share photos of our life in Chicagoland with our loved ones, but it has turned into so much more for me. Life is ever evolving in our household and time no longer stands still. Every moment is precious and worthy of being captured and treasured. In addition, through my love of the camera, I have had the opportunity to meet and also capture moments in others' lives. It is my hope, with this blog, that when my memory fails me, the words and photos on this blog will remind of where we were. History...Through My Glass...

Friday, August 8, 2008

a boy, his stick, green grass on a hill, and one little clover

Our impromptu photo session. I realized yesterday that Roan doesn't need playgrounds. All he needs is nature. He had a ball running around on the hill and picking up sticks and throwing grass.

Above: you can see it, but he picked a clover for me. He's putting it on top of his ear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

r.'s been sporting lots of new looks this year. ;) ok..he looks like a cutie little budda in this series...cute cute...